Waiting for News

The inspiration for Waiting for News comes from a time when a family member was in hospital in an Intensive Care Unit.

The person involved was given a 50-50 chance to live.  I, along with other of my family members, were put in a small waiting room with other families in a similar predicament.  The atmosphere was so intense.  A doctor would open the door, go to a group of people and give them news and dependent on whether it was good or bad, the family would either be elated and take their joy outside the room in order not to encroach on the other waiting families; or, be so desperately sad they would unanimously break down and cry.

There was, however, a third group who were somewhere in between still hoping for the best news but preparing for the worst – a kind of limbo between the two emotions.

This third group is what I hope to convey in Waiting for News – a kind of neutral, numb mood yet filled with deep emotion.


Stainless Steel on Oak Bench


1.50 m high (Lifesize)

“… anyone who has ever stood vigil in a hospital waiting for a critically ill loved one will be immediately struck by the power and poignancy of Green’s sculpture “Waiting for News”. Green manages to evoke such a visceral sense of empathy in the viewer in the most enduring of materials and through the most economical of formal means…”

Quotes from Ed McCormack, Gallery & Studio Magazine NY